Simple Tips for Drinking Less

With the festive season approaching there can be a lot of opportunities to “over-do-it” when it comes to alcohol consumption. Or maybe you, like many people, just often seem to find yourself falling into the trap of drinking more than you planned or would have liked to? Here are some tips on how to practice controlled drinking that may help you to avoid over-doing-it with alcohol.

Why is it that people often find themselves drinking more than they planned? 

One of the simplest reasons is because your ability to self-monitor and limit alcohol intake is severely impacted when you become intoxicated. Alcohol affects the frontal lobes of the brain (the part of the brain that helps you make decisions and control impulses) and causes disinhibition (a reduced ability to inhibit your behaviour). That is, the very part of your brain that is needed to make the decision to stop or slow your drinking is the part that is no longer functioning as well once you have become intoxicated. 

Controlled drinking therefore involves drinking alcohol in a way so as to avoid becoming intoxicated and thereby increasing your ability to make decisions about how much to drink and when to stop; lowering your risk of drinking more than you planned. 

Here are some simple tips to help you drink more slowly and in moderation:

  • Always plan a head! Make sure you have a think about your day/night/event ahead of time and decide in advance how many drinks you will have over what period of time. You can then work out how long each drink will need to last and pace your drinking accordingly.

  • Always count your drinks – so you can stay on track with your plan!

  • Do not drink in ‘rounds’ or ‘shouts’ – instead buy or pour your own drinks separately

  • Skip the first drink (or two) when drinking with others – these may be the hardest drinks to resist, but by doing this it will be easier to “lag” behind and continue to drink more slowly than others

  • Choose a drink that you do not enjoy as much as your favourite drink (you will drink it more slowly!)

  • Have a large glass of water before you have an alcoholic drink (don’t drink alcohol to satisfy thirst!)

  • Have a non-alcoholic beverage every alternate drink

  • Order your drinks in a larger glass (with more mixer; it will last longer without having more alcohol) and/or drink low-alcohol alternatives

  • Drink more slowly by taking smaller sips – avoid gulping!

  • Put your glass down between sips

  • Always eat before drinking

  • Avoid nibbling on salty snacks that may make you thirsty!


Mindfulness practice for the “time-poor”